
Alexander Klein - The counterfeit traitor

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Alexander Klein - The counterfeit traitor
289 pag.
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"All through the war Eric Erickson was tow people. To a few trusted Allied intelligence officers he was our most valuable spy. To the rest he was a Naszi collaborator and a hated opportunist.
He was a dual role unparalleled in the history of expionage. Once he had to play the lover to an ardent Naszi widwo who unwittingly held the key to his survival. Once he was forced to witness and to approve the execution of a beautiful woman who had been his confederate - and his mistress. And once he had to exchange polite conversation with Himmler himself about Naszi invincibility.
Until now the ful story of Erickson's dramatic double life hs never ben revealed. It is one of the most absorbing and exciting true stories to come out of Word War II."