
Bhikkhu Yogavacara Rahula: The way to peace and happiness

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Bhikkhu Yogavacara Rahula: The way to peace and happiness

This book has been compiled in order to give the reader a thorough familiarization and understanding of the underlying principles and aspects of the Teachings of the Buddha Gotama. The Teachings rendered here are mainly those from the Pali tradition of Buddhism, which are acclaimed to be the direct oral Teachings given by the Buddha Gotama in India some two thousand five hundred years ago. These Teachings are termed the Theravada, the Word of the Elders. Included herein is only a selection of suttas or discourses from the original sermons which the Buddha gave directly or which were delivered from memory by some of his saintly disciples. These discourses were delivered to monks and laymen who gathered together to listen, or to individuals who asked for them specifically, or to those whom they happened to meet on their foot-travels across the length and width of India. In the forty-five years of spreading his wonderful, mind-healing wisdom the Blessed One, as the Buddha was called by his devotees, and his enlightened disciples, brought peace, harmony, and happiness to innumerable beings, both human and otherwise. The Teachings concern practical, daily life for the laymen as well as for the monks, those who abandon worldly home life to give their heart and full time to practice. They describe the various elements of existence which constitute the life of living beings, aspects and subjects of contemplation, reflection and meditation, and guidelines for wholesome living.

Uitg, Duang Kamol, paperback. In goede staat.


