
Mezzotint Chevy Chase 1814 John Young (engr.) Edward Bird

144x bekeken
8 jaar geleden geplaatst


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Mezzotint. Bedrukte gedeelte circa 50 x 71 cm. Met marges. Plaat aan bovenzijde met scheuren en gekreukt. Aan bovenzijde klein stukje verlies in blanco marge. Onderaan in de blanco marge iets gekreukt.

Elders een ander exemplaar gevonden:

To the most noble the Marquis of Stafford This Plate of Chevy Chase is with permission inscribed by his obliged and devoted Servant, John Young.
Painted by Edward Bird A.R.A. Historical Painter to H.R.H. the Princess Charlotte. Engraved by Jn.o Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to H.R.H. the Prince Regent.
London, May 2.d 1814 by the Engraver, No.65 Upper Charlotte Street Fitzroy Square.
Mezzotint. Plate 571 x 744mm (22½ x 29¼").
The end of the battle of Chevy Chase, with mourning men and women, and priests surrounding the dying, Earl Douglas lying on the left and Hotspur on the right, while weeping soldiers march away behind, bearing a pennon, one raising his sword in a sad cheer. The Battle of Otterburn (1388) saw a Scottish victory led by James Douglas over the English under Henry "Hotspur" Percy.
[Ref: 29030] £420.00

Referentienummer A62-18.

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