
Tarzan of The Apes

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Edgar Rice Burroughs, picturized from the novels by Hal Foster and Rex Maxon.

In January 1929, Hal Foster, creator of Prince Valiant, had his first published newspaper strip art with the debut of Tarzan, a comic that would produce more that ten thousand strips before switching to reprints in 1972. It was Foster who illustrated all 60 episodes of the strip's adaptation of Edgar Rice Burrough's seminal novel, Tarzan of the Apes. Now, LOAC Essentials brings you all of Foster's first comics work, reproduced from ERB's syndicate proofs. In addition, this book includes adaptations of The Return of Tarzan, Beasts of Tarzan, and Son of Tarzan, each drawn by Rex Maxon. Get ready for the first 300 daily Tarzan comics ever produced, all together in a single, affordable package!

oblong, 29*11*3 cm., 322 pagina's.

The Library of American Comics ESSENTIALS