
Weta Jim Heson Labyrinth Sir Didymus and Ambrosius

168x bekeken
1 jaar geleden geplaatst


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- Levering: 1 - 4 dagen
- Oude prijs: 445.00 Euro
- Nu voor: 375,00 Euro
- Gratis aangetekende verzekerde verzending
- Status: nieuw, factory sealed in shipper

License: Jim Henson's Labyrinth
Manufacturer: Weta
Product size: 16 cm x 24 cm x 16 cm.

Within a small hut, next to the only exit leaving the foul Bog of Eternal Stench, there resides a small yet gallant fox-like knight along with his trusty steed, a large albeit cowardly sheep-dog. The Knight is charged with guarding a bridge, vowing that without his permission "None shall pass."

Sarah, Ludo, and Hoggle, seeking escape from the fetid Bog of Eternal Stench, happen upon a lone stone bridge. Before they can flee the Bog's relentless odour, a shrill voice calls out to them "Stop! Stop I say!"

Product features:
- 1:6 scale, Limited Edition of 700 worldwide;
- Portrays the gallant knight Sir Didymus on his cowardly steed Ambrosius;
- Physically sculpted by Weta Workshop sculptor Jane Wenley;
- Incredible details, from intricate filigree to minute buttons;
- Clutching his mighty baton, raised in triumph;
- Ambrosius wears a uniquely designed blanket;
- Perched upon the cracked stonework that makes up the infamous Labyrinth;
- Made from high-quality polystone.

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